June, the middle of the year. How quick this year is going with some more COVID stuff and going into another lockdown.
Towards the end of May and early June, I continued work on the website, getting images ready and the ordering system ready for any orders to come in when they slowly do.
I started scheduling and creating the posts on socials. Facebook & Instagram, I'm trying to follow the theme of: showing the teaser, something relative to the theme, another sneak peak, another thematic image, then a reveal. Basically trying to build some sort hype and lead-in to the shirt reveal. It kinda keeps the feed varied and interesting.
I also worked on a couple of prints for the future release towards summer with the invent of the 'crazy biker'. It's it in the works and just trying to choose the right colour and shirt style, but I think it'll go well with basically everything. I'm also trying to experiment with a large logo size.

It basically says 'takin it slow' with the logotype in the background. It sorta means taking it easy but then some people take it easy by going fast and doing crazy stuff, so there's a bit of a juxtaposition? Hyperbole? Idk what you call it, but that's it.
Here's what it'll potentially look like on a long sleeve:

I mentioned in the March post that the 'SLAM' artwork is something I've used before and with the cooler weather I think it's a nice artwork for a jumper.

If you're wondering, the colour is, I think it's called 'Ecru' - it's like a creamy white on ascolour. I'm still using the large logo on the back because it's a round neck sweater. So kinda using it as a statement with the use of black.
Here's the original artwork in colour which I used as a black only piece. The secondary original comes in a rainbow gradient but the pastel colours give it a nice throwback feel.

I also managed to put something together to Nikola Jokic becoming the MVP for the 2020-21 Season. I know they got swept by the Suns... but whatever. Maybe I'll put this on a tee once the hype around the NBA finals had died down. Something for summer perhaps

You can see I'm experimenting with lens flares and bright sources of light. It's a common theme for the images on socials. The first version was more of a practice however I found more time later in the month to make a better version:

The cutouts were a bit more cleaner and added a bit more details. That's more like it.
July is coming around and I'm getting excited to finally publish the site and gain some interest. Hopefully it goes well.