About Us
What superslow means
What is Superslow?
Wearable Art
As I mentioned on the home page, there is nothing else that can be said about the brand more importantly than the need for an independent street label widely available for Western Sydney. I'm using lots of vintage imagery and retro inspired prints to bring the name of Superslow to life as a motive for the brand. Taking it slow seems to be a nice tagline that works for most so it has stuck since then.
I created the name to just be another skate or streetwear brand but mentally it has taken on another shape. I hope the tagline sticks and that the prints to come should enforce it. No, I'm trying to be another "bootleg" t-shirt brand that is pumping out vintage and retro prints like no tomorrow. I'm trying to create some shirts that have meaning and some depth behind the artwork itself. Champions, singers, movie scenes - all tugging at emotions that make us happy, feel nostalgic and allow us to be happy that we slip into something we would rock.

I have plenty more to come in the next few months and for the remainder of 2021 so stay tuned. I have more on the way in terms of movie art, some more NBA inspired prints and more art for the actual branded shirt collection coming in Summer 2021-22.